Etsy Sellers Worry About Pricing Problems In New Listing Form As Old Listing Form Set To Retire

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


Etsy sellers are in a panic about pricing problems in the new listing form as the clock is winding down to retirement of the old form that is currently the only way to work around this troubling technical issue.

OLD Price on copied listing “sticks” and doesn’t update to the “new” price using New Listing Format
BEWARE! -If you change the price of a copied listing, the PRICE CHANGE in “New Listing Format” DOESN’T STICK! (Now I have to ALSO figure out if the other changes I made “stuck”!) Used “New” Listing format, Copied an old listing, changed all the particulars and saved it so I could get measurements f…

BEWARE! If you change the price of a copied listing, the PRICE CHANGE in “New Listing Format” DOESN’T STICK! (Now I have to ALSO figure out if the other changes I made “stuck”!)

Used “New” Listing format, Copied an old listing, changed all the particulars and saved it so I could get measurements for the item. Opened the listing, entered the measurements, decided to mark the price higher, then published the listing. Old price shows live…

Went back to edit the “Live” listing showing the wrong price—on my end it shows the price I want it to be. Published it again, still the WRONG price! I even had my daughter (who doesn’t live here) check my shop and she saw the wrong price too.

**I WAS able to change the price within the “Old” listing format and it stuck.

Had this exact same problem today. Was told by etsy support to go back to the old form and make the change…good thing we have to switch in a few days. Good thing Etsy rolled out a form with so many issues and we get to diagnose the bugs!

It's concerning that the best suggestion Etsy Support can muster for dealing with this issue is to simply switch back to the old version of the listing form, since that version is still set to be discontinued and no longer available on June 25th.

Etsy Retiring Old Listing Form, Sellers Say New Form Still Missing Important Functionality
Etsy listing is evolving but sellers say new from missing important features as they worry about being forced to switch from old listing form.

In the most recent update posted to the Etsy community about the listing form change, a community manager acknowledged other issues with the new form that were supposedly fixed

Re: Updated 5/23: The old listing form retires June 25
A few weeks ago, we shared a few features that would be incorporated into the new listing experience before the official release day on June 25. Today, we’re happy to share that the following features are now available: Adding manual translations to your listings Sharing your listings on your Patt…

Our team recently identified an issue impacting the ability to bulk edit listings for some members, which has since been resolved.

Upon investigation, our team uncovered that one of our latest updates to the listings manager had unintentionally caused this issue. This functionality is back to normal, and you should now be able to resume bulk editing your listings. We also identified an issue with renewing sold-out listings and are working on fixing this within the next week.

We apologize for any confusion or disruption this may have caused, and we appreciate your patience as we make improvements and necessary updates to the listing experience. Thank you, everyone, for bringing this to our attention.

Are you still experiencing problems with the new Etsy listing form? Let us know in the comments below!

EtsyTech Issues

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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