Welcome To Value Added Resource

Value Added Resource is a leading independent platform delivering real-time ecommerce marketplace intelligence, expert commentary, and strategic insights to a sophisticated audience of industry stakeholders.

Founded by Liz Morton, a proven ecommerce veteran with over 17 years of operational leadership and a track record of generating multi-million-dollar revenue streams, we bridge the gap between marketplace dynamics and actionable financial analysis, providing a vital lens for business owners, investors, analysts, and financial media tracking the sector’s evolution.

Value Added Resource's reader-supported independent journalism goes beyond the numbers, offering unparalleled coverage of eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Walmart, Poshmark, Mercari and more, empowering our audience with actionable insights into market shifts and corporate performance - all free from advertiser influence.

Our commitment to corporate accountability and stakeholder advocacy - championing the interests of sellers, shoppers, and investors alike - sets us apart.

From exposing operational missteps to amplifying the voices of small businesses and consumers, Value Added Resource delivers the stories behind the balance sheets and press releases.

With a growing subscriber base of ecommerce professionals, journalists, market analysts and industry influencers, our platform is gaining traction as a trusted authority in a high-stakes, underserved niche.

Value Added Resource offers a unique entry point into the intersection of ecommerce profitability, corporate governance, and consumer-driven change - redefining marketplace reporting with rigor, independence, and impact.

Recent Comments
Avatar PlaceholderZagrebear8 hours ago
It seems that at every step eBay is destroying the pleasure of trying to sell for private sellers. Buyers fees, simple delivery and extended payments all ruin the experience but do they care. Not likely. Many like me are finally finished and unless eBay rescind their ridiculous policies then never to return
Avatar PlaceholderSuewoo21 hours ago
This is the end of eBay for me after 20 years. There is no way to charge a small amount for packaging - eBay, on their 'Simple Selling' hide anything else so if you want to pack your, possibly fragile, item securely you will have to foot the bill for this. Today I queried with eBay why my £3.75 postage, which my buyer paid, was reduced to £3.06 in the breakdown as being eBay's estimate of the postage cost on the date it was listed (!!) and then i got nothing - i had to post it through Evri - it didn't even let me see the buyer's address until the label was printed. The label position on the page is then set so you need to use an A4 label sheet for every two labels rather than 4. I had a long and tortuous 'debate' on the phone with an agent who eventually told me that Simple postage is now mandatory and they will be letting seller know 'next week'. I am absolutely furious.

This, on top of Buyer protection Fee, has made it impossible to sell competitively on eBay. My buyers don't need protection from me!! I have 100% feedback rating over 20 years - this is just another money-making scam from eBay. The price with the protection fee is not competitive for anything and i am not even getting views let alone watchers!! Identical listings where items sold for £10 plus £3.75 postage and packing 6 weeks ago, have necessitated me reducing to £2.75, few people, if any looking, and now a silly offer of 75p!!!!! - Then i lose out on the postage as eBay pocket the difference between what Royal Mail Charge and their estimate of Evri! Evri - which used to be Hermes and smashed an antique set of China worth over £100 a few years ago by leaving the box out in the rain until it was so sodden that it collapsed!! Well done eBay - no regard for your customers!
Avatar Placeholderrealycuteforyou22 hours ago
Simple Delivery will be the end of eBay. At first, I thought they were trying to get the postage costs down, but as there was no Royal Mail collection option: "I live in a rural area, and Evri and Yodel don't turn up, so I choose to use the old system"., Today, I found an item I sold had postage of £10 and the buyer had pre-paid. I couldn't understand why the postage was so high, I then discovered I forgot to opt out of Simple Delivery. The poor buyer paid eBay £10 pp. I spoke to the buyer and we agreed to cancel and relist the item using the old system. She paid £6.99 postage, and the item will be collected by Royal Mail.
I've been on eBay for 20 years, through the early bad times and the good, but if Simple Delivery becomes mandatory, I'm off.