eBay Advanced Search Not Working June 2022
eBay users report errors when trying to use advanced search by Title and Description.
I tried doing a standard Advanced Search - the kind that I have been doing for Years on my PC - and starting last week it no longer works.
Now - every time I do an Advanced Search I get an eBay page that says:
"We looked everywhere. Looks like this page is missing. If you still need help, visit our help pages...
...BTW - I have been doing this Exact Search for YEARS and it has always worked before. But Not Now.
I have also Cleared the Cashe in my computer. STILL doesn't work.
I use the Advanced Search because my keywords for items I search for are saved there. Today when I check the box by Title and description under Advanced Search I get the message: We looked everywhere. Looks like this page is missing. If you still need help, visit our help pages.
If I uncheck that box then the search will work. I guess ebay has removed this function from the Advanced Search. It still works on the regular Search Bar before you go into Advanced Search. I don't use the regular Search Bar though anymore since ebay removed the option to have our keywords for items we search for remembered there.
When will eBay US fix Advanced Search - Search including "Title and description"???
Whatever eBay.com did 2 nights ago broke Advanced Search when Search including "Title and description" box is checked.
I wonder when they will fix the issue?
The error is happening when users try to use the advanced search to the right of the search button and then select the Title and description box.

One community member offered a possible workaround to use:
While you are waiting for eBay to fix the Advanced Search page option on ebay.com, searching title and description can still be accomplished on the search results page. Use the "include description" checkbox under the blue "Search" button and then hit the search button to run the new search.
Note that the default title search (without description) still also searches item-specifics shown in the box above the text description, so an ISBN search should not actually need to include the description, unless the number only appears in the body of the text of the listing.
For clarity, you won't find the "include description" checkbox until you enter a search term and hit the search button. At that point, you can check the box and then search button again to do the search including description.

Are you experiencing errors with eBay Advanced Searches? Let us know in the comments below!