eBay Best Offer Not Showing In Search Results

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay users report eBay is no longer visually identifying which listings have Best Offer enabled in search results.

Some called out how this issue could negatively impact sales since it makes it harder for buyers to find good deals.

Others said it's stupid that the only way to identify these listings now is to limit the search using filters - which requires extra effort and may be frustrating for buyers who would prefer to see a mix of results that allow offers and those that don't when viewing the full list of search results.

“Or Best Offer” listings are all suddenly hidden
Prior to today, every listing whose seller accepts offers would say “Or Best Offer” beneath the list price. Today, that is no longer true. We can still limit results to “accepts offers” by filtering, but there is absolutely no way to know whether a listing has a best offer option otherwise. What…

Prior to today, every listing whose seller accepts offers would say "Or Best Offer" beneath the list price. Today, that is no longer true.

We can still limit results to "accepts offers" by filtering, but there is absolutely no way to know whether a listing has a best offer option otherwise.

What an incredibly stupid and needless change...

...As you can plainly see, it's just not there. And before you ask, yes, each of those listings accept offers. But there's no way to tell without filtering and/or clicking on each individual listing. Ridiculous.

The issue appears to be intermittent or could possibly be an A/B test as some users say they are still seeing the visual identification in search.

I just searched for a ring I am selling, and I saw best offer on mine and many others

But several others confirmed they were also no longer seeing a visual indication of Best Offer allowed in search.

I don't see it either. I am using a computer, and they are all missing on both Chrome and F.Fox.

Unfortunately, we don't know if this is some sort of new "enhancement, experience, test, intended change, or glitch".

If it is intentional, I suppose they want people to "click through" to give those that pay to promote some "view count" ????

We've tested in both Chrome and Firefox, both signed in and in an incognito browser and there was no longer a visual identification for listings which accept Best Offers for the searches we used.

eBay has not yet acknowledged if this is a technical issue or an intentional change/test, but community staff have responded to say they've sent the issue to the search team to "see what they say."

Re: “Or Best Offer” listings are all suddenly hidden
wrote: Screen shot of list view. All of these are listings that accept best offer. Can you find out, please, if this is a new enhancement or glitch? Hey ! We got this over to the Search team and we will let you know what they say.

We got this over to the Search team and we will let you know what they say.

Are you missing identification of listings that allow Best Offers in eBay search? Let us know in the comments below!

eBayTech Issues

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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