eBay Captcha Glitch Blocks Item Descriptions 6-2-23
eBay community staff says the tech teams now says this issue is resolved.
It looks like our Tech team is saying that this has been resolved! But if you are still running into this please reach out to customer support to have your account added to the ticket.
Let us know in the comments below if you are still seeing Captchas blocking item descriptions!
eBay has added this issue to the "Ongoing Technical Issues" post in the community. Affected users should reference ALERT14719 when contacting support.
Customers are being presented CAPTCHA while attempting to view item description (June 2, 2023)
Reference ID: ALERT14719
Provide Seller ID:
Provide Item Number:
eBay buyers are frustrated with a Captcha glitch that is blocking them from viewing descriptions in listings even after solving.
I'm cruising around Ebay with my Laptop and I'm seeing Captchas in Item Descriptions. They are incomplete, as I can't see the instructions, so I can't get past them to see the Description or to even place a bid..
New Glitch? Ney Feature? or is this another attempt to completely destroy Ebay's Buying experience?
I can complete the Captcha, but it just thanks me and doesn't actually load the description. Had to click "revise" on my own listings this morning to see how I promised to mail things out. Very cool. Mac/Safari 15.4
I was looking at my listings and those of other dealers and right now as of 10:15 EST on 6/2, I cannot see product descriptions of any products on ebay. There's a security area where I have to tick a few boxes about identifying a picture of a castle from a series of football fields. I can't go any further than that.
All I see is:
Please verify yourself to continue
To keep eBay a safe place to buy and sell, we will occasionally ask you to verify yourself. This helps us to block unauthorized users from entering our site.
Please verify yourselfIf you are having difficulties with rendering of images on the above verification page, eBay suggests using the latest version of your browser, or an alternate browser listed on the customer service page.
Anyone have insight on this problem? I can't see any item descriptions anywhere on ebay. Is it temporary and will it work itself out?
I am having the same issue. Another day, another glitch. I cannot go any further than clicking on the capcha pics. This just started this morning when I was searching for an item, now I cannot see any descriptions. I hope they fix this soon
This is happening to me starting as well. When I go back to look at an item immediately after entering, it will show the item photos but as you scroll down after item specifics there is a constant verify yourself (by verifying a castle picture) in the spot where the description should be.
It does not matter what browser I use, I use 2 (Windows, Firefox). It does not matter if you sign off or in again or use another piece of equipment (phone tablet) on my end. I have been listing this morning and this just started between 9am and now (9:38). I do not know if it affecting anyone else but it is a bummer glitch I guess.
Well this is a new one. I can't view any item descriptions on any pages. I'm on a desktop computer using Chrome - same computer I've been using for the past 5 years or so to browse ebay. Same results even if I try using an incognito window. Same results on multiple listings. Then when I click all the boxes next to the correct photos, the "I am a human" goes to a green checkbox, but it stops there and the description still won't load.
I can confirm that; I was just writing up my own post about this just now. Your screenshot matches what I see when I try to read the description in the new listing.
I swear, this site gets more bonkers every day.
Same problem. I pass the captcha test and still can't see the item details. Viewing on Microsoft Edge.
Tried clearing cache, browsing history, etc. which didn't work.
There are also reports on the eBay UK, Canada and Australia communities so this appears to be a global issue.
eBay has yet to acknowledge the issue and as usual, the system status page shows no outages or disruptions.
Down Detector unsurprisingly shows a major spike since this issue started being reported.

I'll update as soon as more information is available. In the meantime, let us know in the comments below if you are experiencing problems with Captcha blocking access to eBay listings!