eBay Disables Sales Last 31 Days Module In Seller Hub

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


Sellers in the eBay community are confused over a new message they noticed in Seller Hub yesterday.

Starting October 15th 2021 the Sales (last 31 days) metrics and market comparison module will be disabled until early 2022.

It's not October 15th yet, but it appears the module may already be disabled.

Previously, this section of the Seller Hub overview page directed sellers to the Performance area.

Now when you go to performance, you'll also see the note about the module being disabled at the bottom of the page.

If you've never seen this module before, here's what it looked like previously:

One of the most helpful parts of this module was the section at the bottom that shows whether your active listings have increased or decreased.  It's common advice to sellers that if you want to ramp up sales, you should increase your listings - but this module actually allowed sellers to see results and how increasing or decreasing active listings may be affecting their sales.

Sellers are a bit baffled by the messaging and are still trying to figure out exactly what it means.

Starting October 15th โ€™21 the Sales (last 31 days) metrics and market comparison will be disabled
Seller Hub overview page module message Starting October 15th 2021 the Sales (last 31 days) metrics and market comparison module will be disabled until early 2022. Does this mean just module on overview or all sales statistics under Performance tab?

Seller Hub overview page module message

Starting October 15th 2021 the Sales (last 31 days) metrics and market comparison module will be disabled until early 2022.

Does this mean just module on overview or all sales statistics under Performance tab?


Starting October 15th 2021 the Sales (last 31 days) metrics and market comparison module will be disabled until early 2022.

on the Performance tab Summary............so sounds like to me we won't be able to see Sales info for last 31 days there........til early 2022...... I wonder if that will mean the reports themselves will be not available. (need more coffee probably)........

don't see the purpose or need to disable any sales figures to sellers, only complicating everything more then they already have made it. They can do updates and make changes without removing sales figures.

There were also concerns about how this might affect sellers' ability to get the information they need for financial reporting.

It's not entirely clear yet what impact this will have on sellers but once again I have to ask - why is eBay making sudden, possibly business impacting changes without notice and especially in all important Q4 when sellers should be focusing on listing and selling?


Liz Morton Twitter Facebook

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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