eBay Errors Uploading Videos In Listings 12-17-22

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay sellers reportVideo In Listing function appears to be broken and they are unable to upload videos even though they meet all of the technical requirements.

uploading videos
is anyone having a problem uploading your videos.?Yesterday and today I’m having problems.

is anyone having a problem uploading your videos.?Yesterday and today I'm having problems.

Video not loading
Trying to load video to a listing -- video quits loading at 1 per cent and then I get a message of video failed to upload. Does anyone have a work-around?

Trying to load video to a listing -- video quits loading at 1 per cent and then I get a message of video failed to upload. Does anyone have a work-around?

Videos no longer uploading. Files well under 150 mg woked fine up till today
Videos no longer uploading. Files well under 150 mg worked fine up till today

Videos no longer uploading. Files well under 150 mg worked fine up till today

Since Last Evening Unable to Upload Videos on Listings.
The video upload stops at 1% and a message cranking out a message saying: the video has failed. What’s the solution to this glitch? Please help!

The video upload stops at 1% and a message cranking out a message saying: the video has failed. What's the solution to this glitch?

Same problem I have had for two days. Definitely an Ebay problem. Bad timing given the Christmas selling season.

Same for 2 days now and I talked to technical support yesterday who said it was a known issue and that they are working on it, but it's still not resolved. The gave me work arounds like clearing cache and cookies/going incognito and trying to upload, but clearly none of that works.

Re: Unable to add video to listing
This has to be an issue on eBay’s end. I’ve been uploading videos for weeks successfully until today. Out of a half dozen listings, they all have videos, and two keep failing. I retake the videos and still no success. I’ve done dozens of videos prior without issue. It’s not my files, and it’s not…

This has to be an issue on eBay's end. I've been uploading videos for weeks successfully until today. Out of a half dozen listings, they all have videos, and two keep failing. I retake the videos and still no success. I've done dozens of videos prior without issue.

It's not my files, and it's not about meeting the parameters. Ebay rolls out updates that don't work properly. I would like to think it's because it's the busy season, and there is lots of demand on their servers, but who knows?

I'll try again tomorrow. Fortunately for me, I do not rely on eBay to make a living. My sympathies to those of you who do.

Update, 12/16/22

Called eBay and described the issue. Talked to a tech, and they suggested my video resolution was too high, so I took the next video in the lowest resolution on my phone, HD 30 (30 frames per second), and the problem continues. They, of course, did not once admit it could be an issue on their end. For now, I'm just going to take lots of pictures and keep checking in the hopes that in the background, they realize their new video feature is bugged and are fixing it. I'll post another updated if by some miracle is starts working again. Good luck!

Having the same issue. I upload 40+ videos every week and now for the last two days every upload fails. It is definitely an eBay issue.

My video uploads are also failing. They are my videos, and they all follow the policy. I would rather go back to sharing YouTube links if this is how it's going to be.

And another gripe is why can't I upload them from mobile? WHY do I have to upload them from PC? Come on.

We have been having the same issue since yesterday. Video uploads Worked for us with no issues previously. Following the same exact video format and parameters that have always worked in the past it loads to 4% then errors out and is unable to upload any videos.

I reported the issue to ebay for business and they said they would pass it along to IT. But from the sounds of things this is a site wide issue and the video upload tool is not functional anymore.

Predictably, eBay's System Status Page shows no current disruptions or outages dispute massive reports indicating this is likely a sitewide issue.

There are many reports across social media as well and @AskeBay on Twitter has at least acknowledged it's a known issue that the tech team is working on.

I'll update as soon as more information is available, in the mean time, let us know in the comments below if you're having errors uploading videos to eBay listings!

eBayTech Issues

Liz Morton Twitter Facebook

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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