eBay Canada Expands Seller Protection Policies
eBay Canada announces expansion of seller protection policies allowing Above Standard sellers to withhold up to 50% of returns if the item has been used or damaged - a perk previously reserved for Top Rated Sellers only.

eBay has expanded our seller protections to give more sellers access to the partial refund tool. Sellers with Above Standard seller ratings or higher will now be able to refund up to 50% of the value of the item for used or damaged returns.
This functionality is also available for items sold by Canadian sellers on the US site.
Earlier this year, we also announced that sellers who offer a partial refund to their buyers will receive a prorated refund for their final value fee.
Learn more about our seller protections here.
The Canada Seller Protections policy page has been updated to reflect the new protections as well.

Protections for Top Rated and Above Standard sellers
Top Rated and Above Standard sellers who reside in Canada are protected on items listed on eBay.ca when:A buyer falsely claims an item was not as described
If the report qualifies:We will subsidize the return shipping label cost up to $8.00 per return for any false claim filed by a buyer that an item was not as described
- The subsidy will be credited on your monthly invoice
- For transactions to be eligible you must report the buyer
- Credits will be applied where we determine the buyer made a false claim
We will also automatically remove negative and neutral feedback, defects, and open cases in service metricsAn item is returned after it was used or damaged by the buyer
- You can deduct up to 50% from the refund to recover the lost value of the item
- We will work directly with the buyer to resolve any issues associated with the item being returned, including removing any negative and neutral feedback, defects, and open cases in service metrics.
If we are asked to step in and help, you will no longer be able to issue a partial refund to the buyer.
It's interesting that the protection extends to items sold by Canadian sellers on the US site. There has been no announcement of extending this seller protection to US sellers (yet), so it might be seen us unfair by some sellers that Canadian sellers on the US site will receive this benefit when US sellers don't.
Hopefully they'll be rolling this out to US sellers soon too. While I'm absolutely in favor of eBay providing more protection for sellers, some Top Rated Sellers may also feel this is unfair as it further dilutes the benefits of maintaining top rated status.
What do you think of the new expanded seller protection policies for Canadian sellers? Let us know in the comments below!