eBay Introduces New Listing Tool - Again

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay has been tinkering with the Listing Tool again, now several iterations down the line from ex-VP Seller Experience Harry Temkin's original Unified Listing Experience which was almost universally panned by the seller community back in March 2021.

eBay’s Unified Listing Experience
eBay’s new listing tool takes a one size fits all devices approach to design - and comes up short.

Subsequent attempts to fix the new listing experience have had mixed results with the same seller feedback - trying to force a mobile like experience onto desktop users makes the listing experience less efficient and more frustrating to navigate.

Schedule Start Time In New eBay Unified Listing Tool
Can’t find Schedule Start Time in the new eBay Listing Tool? We’ve got you covered!

Despite the loud chorus of disapproval, eBay announced earlier this year it was pushing ahead with retiring the "classic listing form" and all sellers would eventually be pushed into the new listing experience.

eBay Classic Listing Form’s Days Are Numbered
eBay for Business podcast confirms Classic Listing form will be retired eventually, replaced by Unified Listing Experience.

The latest version of the new experience is rolling out to sellers now and so far, the reviews are still not great.

The new listing tool has broken for 2 days now -- all descriptions removed!
I was forced to start using the new listing / revision tool. When I enter a description (revision of an existing listing, and sell similar) and then save, it removes the entire description from the listing. Doesn’t matter what I put in the description, the system empties it out upon save. How are…

I was forced to start using the new listing / revision tool. When I enter a description (revision of an existing listing, and sell similar) and then save, it removes the entire description from the listing. Doesn't matter what I put in the description, the system empties it out upon save.

How are you rolling out a new listing tool that has a major error with no way to revert to the old tool...

New Listing Tool #3
Yup, so the newest listing tool (3rd one now) has been released, and it took away my old listing tool, and now, there is no more option to opt out - even though ebay was told countless times how horrid it is, alas, they don’t listen... have fun getting templates to work.

Yup, so the newest listing tool (3rd one now) has been released, and it took away my old listing tool, and now, there is no more option to opt out - even though ebay was told countless times how horrid it is, alas, they don't listen... have fun getting templates to work.

New Listing Tool Sucks
My listing tool changed overnight and the new one is just terrible. Take 5x longer to create a listing For some reason all my listings now default to Buy it now and $35 USPS Priority Shipping with Signature Required and USPS Priority International shipping. Takes 5-10min to create a listing now…

My listing tool changed overnight and the new one is just terrible. Take 5x longer to create a listing.

For some reason all my listings now default to Buy it now and $35 USPS Priority Shipping with Signature Required and USPS Priority International shipping. Takes 5-10min to create a listing now that I have to edit everything

I went form creating 20-30 listings in an hour to zero because of the frustration

Hate the new listing format
Seems like every time Ebay makes changes, It is never for the better, this new listing format is horrible. I just dont understand why they have to make changes that affect the sellers on here, making things more difficult to navigate and work with.

I believe it was all done in an effort to make it more compatible and easier for sellers to list with smart phones, which eBay sees as the future of e-commerce. Whether it is or it isn't, it's made it a nightmare for people using PC's. People like me. Horrible or convoluted doesn't even start to describe it.

Re: Forced to use terrible new listing tool!
It switched for us today as well. It’s mind boggling. How could they have decided to push this through? The design is amatuer at best. It’s not responsive design and doesn’t scale to screen sizes, rather it just uses the same alignment for desktop or mobile. Literally making an intentional ch…

It switched for us today as well. It's mind boggling. How could they have decided to push this through?

The design is amatuer at best. It's not responsive design and doesn't scale to screen sizes, rather it just uses the same alignment for desktop or mobile. Literally making an intentional choice to avoid the modern design standards that have been made over the last 10 years (much the same as this forum...)

Any software designer can see the obvious issues, and obvious ways to improve. Any one whos specialty is UI/UX would be disappointed by how horrible the experience is.

They had to ignore feedback from HUNDREDS (or more) sellers in order to push this through. I've known people who have had meetings with them regarding this and have passed feedback. Yet eBay still goes through with it, all the problems still existing.

It's absolutely sad that most of the issues could be solved by a single frontend developer with only an intermediate level of experience, let alone someone who is accomplished in UI/UX.

Just another implementation that begs the question "What in the world are they thinking?!?!"

What do you think of the latest "new" eBay Listing Experience? Let us know in the comments below!


Liz Morton Twitter Facebook

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!


Recent Comments
Avatar PlaceholderZagrebear11 hours ago
It seems that at every step eBay is destroying the pleasure of trying to sell for private sellers. Buyers fees, simple delivery and extended payments all ruin the experience but do they care. Not likely. Many like me are finally finished and unless eBay rescind their ridiculous policies then never to return
Avatar PlaceholderSuewooYesterday
This is the end of eBay for me after 20 years. There is no way to charge a small amount for packaging - eBay, on their 'Simple Selling' hide anything else so if you want to pack your, possibly fragile, item securely you will have to foot the bill for this. Today I queried with eBay why my £3.75 postage, which my buyer paid, was reduced to £3.06 in the breakdown as being eBay's estimate of the postage cost on the date it was listed (!!) and then i got nothing - i had to post it through Evri - it didn't even let me see the buyer's address until the label was printed. The label position on the page is then set so you need to use an A4 label sheet for every two labels rather than 4. I had a long and tortuous 'debate' on the phone with an agent who eventually told me that Simple postage is now mandatory and they will be letting seller know 'next week'. I am absolutely furious.

This, on top of Buyer protection Fee, has made it impossible to sell competitively on eBay. My buyers don't need protection from me!! I have 100% feedback rating over 20 years - this is just another money-making scam from eBay. The price with the protection fee is not competitive for anything and i am not even getting views let alone watchers!! Identical listings where items sold for £10 plus £3.75 postage and packing 6 weeks ago, have necessitated me reducing to £2.75, few people, if any looking, and now a silly offer of 75p!!!!! - Then i lose out on the postage as eBay pocket the difference between what Royal Mail Charge and their estimate of Evri! Evri - which used to be Hermes and smashed an antique set of China worth over £100 a few years ago by leaving the box out in the rain until it was so sodden that it collapsed!! Well done eBay - no regard for your customers!
Avatar PlaceholderrealycuteforyouYesterday
Simple Delivery will be the end of eBay. At first, I thought they were trying to get the postage costs down, but as there was no Royal Mail collection option: "I live in a rural area, and Evri and Yodel don't turn up, so I choose to use the old system"., Today, I found an item I sold had postage of £10 and the buyer had pre-paid. I couldn't understand why the postage was so high, I then discovered I forgot to opt out of Simple Delivery. The poor buyer paid eBay £10 pp. I spoke to the buyer and we agreed to cancel and relist the item using the old system. She paid £6.99 postage, and the item will be collected by Royal Mail.
I've been on eBay for 20 years, through the early bad times and the good, but if Simple Delivery becomes mandatory, I'm off.