eBay Sell Similar, Revise & Relist Listing Glitch Frustrates Sellers

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay sellers are frustrated with listing glitch that interrupts their workflow, creates room for error as the listing form starts in middle of the page when trying to sell similar, revise, relist or create new items.

When making a new listing the page loads in the middle, have to scroll to top each time
For the last few days using desktop, every time I go to make a listing the page that loads is scrolled down to enter a description. I then have to scroll to the top of the page to upload the photos etc which is annoying and a time waste.

For the last few days using desktop, every time I go to make a listing the page that loads is scrolled down to enter a description. I then have to scroll to the top of the page to upload the photos etc which is annoying and a time waste.

Keeps starting at middle of page when listing a item
I am not sure what happened but whenever I list a item it now starts in the middle of the page (Description) instead of at the top of the page (Edit Photos). It is a minor thing as I can always scroll to the top of the page but it is a little irritating, is there a way to make it start at the top of…

I am not sure what happened but whenever I list a item it now starts in the middle of the page (Description) instead of at the top of the page (Edit Photos). It is a minor thing as I can always scroll to the top of the page but it is a little irritating, is there a way to make it start at the top of the page?

I notice it when starting a new listing from scratch, using sell similar on one of my listings, and using one of my saved templates. That covers all the ways I create a new listing.

Very annoyed by this today. I have a flow for how I list (as I assume everyone else does) and I start at title and work my way down (scroll back up and do pics last). It's a bit disruptive to keep starting in the middle of the page

Another Glitch, revise, relist or sell similar goes to middle of listing page
This is getting old, last 3 days when I list it goes straight to the middle of the page to “description”. Started when I had to clear cach/cookies because when I end listings, then sell similar and when I change prices or click list, the page froze. I called ebay but was told to “just scroll up to…

This is getting old, last 3 days when I list it goes straight to the middle of the page to "description". Started when I had to clear cach/cookies because when I end listings, then sell similar and when I change prices or click list, the page froze.

I called ebay but was told to "just scroll up to top", UH NOPE, I need to start at the top of the page and work my way down. Having to do that 40-50 times when I'm listing is killing time and if I get side tracked I get hit with a red "duplicate" listing flag or just forgot where I was and have start over.

eBay has yet to acknowledge the issue and so far, no work arounds have been found except to scroll to the top of the page each and every time when starting a new listing which may be a minor thing but as these sellers indicate, adds up to time lost and added inconvenience especially when you have a lot of items to list.

Are you experiencing problems with the eBay listing form? Let us know in the comments below!

eBayTech Issues

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!