eBay Sellers Report Missing Store Categories As Seller Hub Changes Continue Rollout

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


A new batch of eBay sellers is being forced into the phased rollout of the new Seller Hub design with disastrous results, causing store categories to go missing from Active Listings page.

eBay's community forum has been flooded with complaints about the problem over the last 2 days, with some saying they've contacted support and been told it's a "known issue".

Missing Store Categories - Known issue?
I went to edit some items in a store category and several of my categories are missing. I went into my store - the categories are there with 300+ items, rebooted computer, tried another browser, checked some items in that category and they are listed in that store category. Finally called ebay; af…

I went to edit some items in a store category and several of my categories are missing. I went into my store - the categories are there with 300+ items, rebooted computer, tried another browser, checked some items in that category and they are listed in that store category.

Finally called ebay; after 10+ minutes on hold and talking to several people they now have said that it's a "known issue" but nothing is on the tech page. Anyone else missing store categories all the sudden? Strange because it was 4 categories I was just working in today....

Store Categories
When trying to Manage Active Listings, I click on ‘All Categories’ to see all of my Store Categories to pick a category that I want to list in. Instead of seeing ALL of my Store Categories, I am only seeing 11 of my categories. It has been like this since yesterday. Is this a known or unknown glitch…

When trying to Manage Active Listings, I click on 'All Categories' to see all of my Store Categories to pick a category that I want to list in. Instead of seeing ALL of my Store Categories, I am only seeing 11 of my categories. It has been like this since yesterday. Is this a known or unknown glitch?

Active listings “store categories” not showing after adding new store categories
Hi. I recently added new store categories but they’re not showing up in My Ebay when I click on active listings and then the active listings drop down box. None of the newly added categories are showing. It’s been days now…

Hi. I recently added new store categories but they're not showing up in My Ebay when I click on active listings and then the active listings drop down box. None of the newly added categories are showing. It's been days now...

What is wrong with ebay’s coders???????
Every change they make to the system results in many errors. This recent change to the seller hub just takes the cake. Not only does their new improved system require many more clicks to do the same as before, now I cant even find my listings by my store categories. When I select active listings by…

Every change they make to the system results in many errors. This recent change to the seller hub just takes the cake. Not only does their new improved system require many more clicks to do the same as before, now I cant even find my listings by my store categories.

When I select active listings by store category the dropdown only shows maybe a fifth of my store categories. How about you guys stop trying to fix what is not broke and actually fix what is broke??

eBay community staff have not yet responded to tags requesting help or additional information, the problem has not been added to the "Current and resolved technical issues" community post and, predictably, the eBay system status page shows no current disruptions or outages.

Are you experiencing problems with store categories disappearing from Seller Hub Active Listings? Let us know in the comments below!

eBayTech Issues

Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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