eBay Make Offer With Auto-Pay Not Working

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


UPDATE 12-14-21

eBay community staff have confirmed this was a technical issue that has now been resolved.

There was a temporary system error for a short time. The issue has been resolved now. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

eBay started a test back in October that requires some buyers to provide payment details for offers so that payment is immediate and automatic if an offer is accepted.

eBay Testing Immediate Pay On Offers
eBay is testing out immediate payment required on Best Offers - sellers love the idea, but will buyers get on board?

Most sellers were cautiously optimistic about the new feature, hoping it would curtail non-paying buyer scenarios on Best Offers.

However, several community members are reporting today that the auto-pay for offers feature is currently broken and not allowing buyers to submit offers.

Make Offer with Auto-Pay upon acceptance seems to be BROKEN
Make Offer with Auto-Pay upon acceptance seems to be BROKEN! When I try to make an offer, I can enter the amount; but then after clicking review offer it comes back with “We Looked Everywhere. Looks like this page is missing.” This has been happening for the last 5 hours. I’ve tried it on multip…

Make Offer with Auto-Pay upon acceptance seems to be BROKEN!

When I try to make an offer, I can enter the amount; but then after clicking review offer it comes back with "We Looked Everywhere. Looks like this page is missing."

This has been happening for the last 5 hours. I've tried it on multiple items, on multiple computer and on multiple browsers.

My account was tag as one of the accounts that is inflicted with the new functionality of AUTO-PAY if the offer is accepted. So when I click review offer, the logic is different than the regular Make Offer code.

I called eBay customer support and their reply was lackluster. I'll send a ticket but unless we get more calls . . . . yada yada.

If your account has been forced into the Auto-Pay if Offer is accepted, can you make a few offer attempts and see if yours works. You don't have to complete the offer, just see if you get the "We Looked Everywhere. Looks like this page is missing." after clicking review offer.

Also, please reply to this thread with your findings. TO BE CLEAR: the regular make offer, is working, it is only the Auto-Pay if accepted that seems to be broken. Please don't clutter the replies if your account is using the regular make offer.

I have over 2,500 items on eBay, all with Make Offer options. If customer aren't able to make offers, I am loosing sales.


Another seller confirmed they have had buyers message them about this error as well.

I just got a message from someone that they couldn't make offers on my items because of this. I looked into editing the item but didn't see any sort of option about auto paying with offers. Is this a per listing option or is it an account wide option I have to change? Or is it on the buyers side? How did you change yours?

Best Offers Not Working
Page not found. Awhile ago they migrated some buyers to the “provide payment before best offer” approach. Other buyers could still submit offers while not providing payment. Now the buyers who subjected to prepay offers, are now unable to make an offer at all and get page not found

Tech IssueseBayFees & Payments

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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