eBay Open UK 2024: Heated Questions About Fee Free Clothing Sales, Competition From Vinted & More!

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


Reports are coming in from eBay Open UK 2024 where things apparently got heated over poor planning for food and drink needs, private sellers vs business sellers, and whether eBay is and should be worried about pre-loved fashion competition from Vinted Pro.

Unlike in the US, where eBay Open has been a completely online virtual affair since 2020, the annual online seller conference in the UK is still held as a live, in person event - though after the grilling it sounds like eBay staff received in the fashion breakout session, I wouldn't be surprised if next year the UK moves to completely online as well.

While eBay has not released any recordings or replays from the event yet, selling YouTubers who were there have spilled a bit of the tea about what happened during the fashion category presentation.

Reseller George revealed that a seller challenged eBay staff about the fee structure with private sellers being charged no fees vs businesses in clothing categories, receiving applause from fellow sellers when she said she would be moving her listings to a competing marketplace :

So at the Fashion Workshop where it's just basically clothing...let's just say that there was a bit of a to-do. Basically someone asked about you know the fee situation between private and business and this one woman basically said said we show you so much loyalty and we get nothing in return.

She said when Vinted Pro comes out, there's nothing that you're offering to incentivize me to stay, so I'm going to move over to Vinted full time and she got a round of applause and the poor like speaker was like I'll pass that on to management...did not know what to do after that.

Another YouTube channel, Warders Clobber, talked about the incident as well, saying they don't know how eBay can think they will be able to compete once Vinted introduces their Pro program, especially in women's clothing categories.

...there was this one woman at the front who was just asking questions and apparently again they just didn't have answers as usual and it was a bit of a mess and people were saying they did not deal with it well at all.

Apparently there was only one question about Vinted...but apparently they just got grilled and again they didn't handle it well which is not suprising cause I don't even know what leg eBay even have to stand on in terms of clothing any more.

Except for GSP, I think men's clothing is still good in terms of where women's is going and the patterns you're seeing, I don't know what they can offer or say to make you think that they're going to pull it back unless they just buy Vinted.

Sellers in the eBay UK Community forum also discussed the event, again mentioning the dust up in the fashion segment and the lack of any satisfactory answers from eBay staff.

One negative was in the fashion takeover talk they mentioned that eBay had figures what they wanted to hit with regards to the free listing for private accounts in clothing, but due to higher ups they could not tell the target or the actual number of new buyers this brought to the site, so you just had to accept that it was actually a benefit.

That workshop got slightly heated when people started asking what eBay ever do for business sellers and no answers were coming back.

Others complained about the apparently poor planning for beverages, food and seating arrangements.

eBay open - I’m parched
Made it, but as a vary small business that works around school hours, getting here early is impossible for me. Last 2 years I’ve been able to get a cuppa on arrival even when I’m dashing into the talks I want to hear. No chance this time. Tea and coffee was a luxury for the early arrivers. Very…

Last 2 years I've been able to get a cuppa on arrival even when I'm dashing into the talks I want to hear. No chance this time. Tea and coffee was a luxury for the early arrivers.

Very disappointing and unwelcoming start in my opinion.

Sellers were also critical of eBay pushing the Pro Trader Plus Programme...without making it clear that participation costs £399.00 per month with a minimum 3 month commitment.

Just like the planning for lunch, over 600 or more including staff trying to sit down at around 200 - 300 seats.

Few things that stood out to me from the day, they don't have a clue what it is like to run a small business and the many frustrations they cause with policies, metrics and poor user experience.

Staff very defensive when you speak to them about the frustration of things like EDD or service metric defects.

Failed to mention the important bit abiout Pro trader plus - open to everyone if you want to pay £399 a month.

Did you attend eBay Open UK 2024? I'd love to hear about your experience! Leave a comment below or contact VAR.

And stay tuned for full coverage of the virtual eBay Open US event next week!

eBay Open 2024 Virtual Seller Conference Scheduled For September 25-26
eBay Open annual virtual seller conference will be held September 25-26, 2024 with possible live studio events too - stay tuned for details!
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Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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