eBay Payment Screen Blank, No 90 Day History 5-30-23
eBay sellers are reporting a malfunction causing all pages in the Payments tab to be blank, including showing no record of any transactions in the last 90 days.

Myself and others I know are reporting a blank payments page with no balance and no record of any past payments! Please report as many people as can because it will not be resolved unless it is reported. Someone I know also had ebay tell them their acct could not be found (all since 8:30pm)!
Managed payments are down, they do not display anything beside lines and at some point when tried to access the page it asked me to put my credentials on an ebay hong kong page with all the letters in chinese.

As usual, eBay support is unaware of the issue despite social media and the eBay community being flooded with complaints and ironically directs sellers to the eBay System Status page which is almost never updated even during major outages.

I'll update as soon as more information is available. In the meantime, leave a comment below if your eBay Payments tab is affected by this glitch!