eBay Seller Hub Cuts Off Info, Adds Scrollbars Interfering With Seller Workflow

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay Seller Hub pages are once again cutting off important information, requiring additional scrolling and slowing down sellers' workflow during the busy holiday season.

Manage Active Listings page (and other pages in Seller Hub) messed up columns - eBay needs to fix
Fellow sellers and eBay Tech Support- I saw a few other posts about this but want to make another so eBay takes it seriously. As of about 24 hours ago the format in the Manage Active Listings is screwed up, columns are not showing, you have to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the horizontal…

Fellow sellers and eBay Tech Support- I saw a few other posts about this but want to make another so eBay takes it seriously. As of about 24 hours ago the format in the Manage Active Listings is screwed up, columns are not showing, you have to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the horizontal scroll, toggle to the columns you want to see, then scroll back up.

I can shrink the columns to try to see more columns info on the page such as price /views/watchers - but it keeps resetting and makes the font much smaller in each column. This has also affected Waiting Shipment / Paid and Shipped pages and most everything similar in the Seller Hub.

I list Buy It Nows for my eBay Store every day and constantly have Manage Active Listings open to make sure the listing info is all there, see view count for recent listings, make quick edits etc., but this has now become ridiculously laborious to see basic information that was easily seeable 24 hours ago.

To eBay Tech Support - Is this a temporary glitch you are going to fix shortly or a permanent, unnecessary and detrimental format change?

Can no longer see all of listing information
Starting today, I am no longer able to easily see my listing information. I need to page right and left to see the listing details. I need to zoom to 50% in order to see it all. And, when I do that, I can barely read the information. I am having this problem on two computers and two browsers (…

Starting today, I am no longer able to easily see my listing information. I need to page right and left to see the listing details. I need to zoom to 50% in order to see it all. And, when I do that, I can barely read the information. I am having this problem on two computers and two browsers (edge and chrome). Please fix because this is a major inconvenience!!

Website Changes Today Are Making It Nearly Impossible To See All Of My Listing Info
Until today I was able to see my current active listings including number of watches, bids, end date/time etc. Something changed and now it is extremely difficult to see this information without continuous paging right and left. Please bring back the version that worked!!!

Until today I was able to see my current active listings including number of watches, bids, end date/time etc. Something changed and now it is extremely difficult to see this information without continuous paging right and left. Please bring back the version that worked!!!

The exact same problem occurred back in August and was eventually corrected after a few days, which raises the question - is this a design change eBay tried once, reverted when there was a bug and is now trying again with the same results?

eBay Seller Hub Orders Page Changes Cut Off Important Info
eBay sellers struggle with Seller Hub Orders page redesign cutting off important info, requiring scrolling to see details.

Previously sellers were encouraged to leave a comment for eBay about this apparent design change using the feedback feature on the page, but some sellers reported their efforts to do so bounced and we were not deliverable.

Also previously, some sellers suggested a workaround with highlighting the text to force a side scroll using your mouse or keyboard shortcuts.

I was able to scroll right by holding the mouse button and moving right like you're trying to highlight text. Still not ideal, but better than scrolling the whole way to the bottom.

I found a workaround that's a ton easier than scrolling all the way down then back up. Works on a Mac, not sure about a PC. Hold your cursor over the portion of the screen that scrolls, hold the shift key and use the scroll wheel on your mouse. Hope some find this helpful!

— less than three records (@RecordsLess) August 26, 2023

That workaround does appear to still work with the latest instance of this Seller Hub page formatting change as well.

Are you experiencing this issue with eBay Seller Hub cutting off info and adding scroll bars? Let us know in the comments below!

eBayTech Issues

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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