eBay Spring Seller Check In - Q & A With Product Teams

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay recently held the Spring Seller Check In event, with one main presentation and then additional breakout and networking sessions after the main events.

The main presentation was recorded and you can find the replay and commentary here:

eBay Spring 2022 Seller Check In
Highlights from eBay’s Spring 2022 Seller Check In.

Unfortunately, eBay decided not to provide replays of the breakout sessions. The platform that eBay uses for these events, Bevy, does have recording capability for all sessions. Since they have multiple breakouts overlapping, and it's not possible to attend them all real time, it's disappointing they've chosen not to record the breakouts as well.

I hope eBay decides to make all content from seller check ins available in the future.

For this check in, I chose to attend the breakout sessions Q & A With Product Teams hosted by VP Stores Tom Pinckney and Director Advertising Growth Julie Klein.


Tom revealed from the data eBay has collected, they see Stores drive conversion - buyers who visit a store have a 20% higher repeat purchase rate with that seller than those who didn't visit the store and buyers who visit a store spend 25%-50% more depending on category.

He then went through some of the new stores enhancements that have rolled out over the last few months like marketing and promotion banners, About video, and the feedback module.

eBay Stores Add Promos & Sales History, Remove Feedback
eBay’s new stores experience has added promotion banners & sales history, but taken away seller feedback details.
eBay Stores - About Video For Sellers
eBay rolls out About Store video feature for select sellers in focus verticals.
eBay Stores Adds Logo & Banner Editing, Feedback Module
eBay Store upgrades continue with options for editing logos & banner images plus a new feedback module in the store view.

Automated inventory strips - previously you had to manually create inventory strips for your store like "newly added". eBay will now automate strips or feeds for "newly added" and "ending soonest" and sellers will still have the option to manually create other inventory strips as needed.

Newsletters now have an option to send coupons to subscribers, with segmenting for repeat buyers coming soon (let's hope it works better than the send coupons to buyer groups feature that was recently rolled out missing key functionality).


Julie Klein basically just gave an overview of the various advertising options that eBay has expanded on in the last year.

Promoted Listings Standard is the ad product we've all been familiar with for years, the biggest update to this product last year was the addition of external visibility for these ads.

eBay External Promoted Listings
eBay Promoted Listings ads will be shown on Google & Bing - what does it mean for sellers?

Promoted Listings Advanced is eBay's cost per click ad product that gives sellers access to the top slot in search results (more ad slots coming soon!).

eBay Promoted Listings Advanced Cost Per Click - First Look
eBay Promoted Listings Advanced Beta is starting to roll out to the masses - here’s a first look!

And Promoted Listings Express is eBay's ad product for auctions.

eBay Announces Promoted Listings Express For Auctions - Finally
eBay officially announces Promoted Listings Express for Auctions - months after initial launch in September.

Julie also highlighted recent updates in reporting capabilities and informaiton provided in the new advertising dashboard in Seller Hub.

New eBay Promoted Listings Standard Dashboard
eBay has introduced a new dashboard view for Simple and Bulk Promoted Listings Standard ad campaigns.

None of what Julie talked about was new information or looking forward. Everything in her segment had been previously announced or released to sellers before this event.

Surprisingly, there was no mention of the new ad product to promote Stores that VP GM Global Advertising Alex Kazim announced in his presentation at Investor Day earlier the same day as this seller check in.

That's right - if you thought all of these recent Stores updates were just eBay's way of helping us sellers out, be prepared...eBay fully plans to monetize these enhancements through advertising as well.

Q & A

Just a few of the more interesting questions and answers from this breakout session.

Is there a way to see sales that are coming from your store vs your listing?


No, there's not. We're thinking about how to do it. It's a little more complicated just because buyers may look at a listing, go into your store, browse some, go back to a listing, so it's hard to say that this sale came specifically from your store...

...and so we would prefer to think about just the sales we're able to generate for you regardless of the exact click path they go through to make that sale.

What's the best way to find keywords that customers are searching for to promote?


They should use suggested keywords and search query reports and again lots of even more detailed information specifically on those reports within seller center and campaign dashboard.

Why isn't the store icon on all pages?


It's coming, we're working on it. There are a lot of different experience across eBay that we're updating and we're doing an audit of all the experiences to see where Stores should be linked from, where does it make sense to show a customer that you have a store and frankly some places where it doesn't necessarily make sense.

If we think they're about to convert, we don't necessarily want to get in the way, so it's an ongoing process to get all of the links and icons across the site updated.

Is there any data on effectiveness of Promoted Listings Express (for auctions)?


Definitely still a new tool, getting a lot of great seller feedback but the initial results listings with Promoted Listings Express got roughly 48% more views and nearly 20% more bids than if not promoted.

While it wasn't part of the official presentation, I did ask in the chat about the 2.5% FVF social sharing discount Tom had discussed back in August at eBay Open Online.

Tom said:

It's coming soon. It's going into a limited release in AU. As they say, that took longer than expected. 🙂
Would you post eBay listings to social media for reduced fees?
eBay’s 2.5% FVF social sharing incentive has no official release date, but sellers are already weighing pros & cons.

Did you attend any of the other eBay Spring Seller Check In breakout sessions? Let us know what you thought about them in the comments below!

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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