eBay Support Snafu Sends Sellers In Automated AI Circles

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay sellers report trouble getting through to customer support and being sent around in AI automated circles due to apparent call "routing issues".

Affected sellers took to the eBay community trying to find alternate contact methods after the dedicated Anchor Store level support they are supposed to be able to access failed to connect to a live support representative.

Cant get ebay rep on phone
I have been calling all day and can’t get a representative, machine just keeps saying I have to get help online. Anyone experiencing this issue?

I have been calling all day and can't get a representative, machine just keeps saying I have to get help online. Anyone experiencing this issue?

I am an anchor store that spoke to a live human as recently as this past thursday... the rep did not follow through on our phone call so when I attempted to call for an update I got the same issue the OP is having... an automated service that directs me to the website and does not connect to a human. We top level stores pay for this service.. so this is a major issue.

As a work around, some sellers say they were able to request a callback, then had to jump through several hoops to get transferred to the Concierge service department they would normally be able to directly access as a perk of having an Anchor or Enterprise store subscription.

I have an update for you... its tedious.. but it was a work around... I got the call back option (you have to play around with the "contact us" options until the "have us call you" prompt shows up on the left hand side of the PC version of the website.)

Once they call you it will be an international tech support rather than our normal NA support. Explain to them you are trying to reach "MSO and Concierge" ... they will put you on a hold, then connect you to the department. My tech didn't even know MSO existed so it took a few extra minutes.. but I was eventually connected to the correct support.

Once you get them on the line.. explain the hoops you just jumped through to get there and ask them to report it. "The more reports we get the quicker it should be resolved" as Devin the tech just explained to me.

Another seller confirmed that workaround worked for them and that when they received a callback, eBay support acknowledged they are currently experiencing an issue with call routing.

Thanks for that link, they called me back and said they are having issues with calls being routed and are working to resolve it!

Someone should have passed that info along to @askeBay on Twitter, as the online reps seem to be unaware that this is a known, ongoing issue.

Sellers are understandably concerned, as eBay has been increasingly moving to use automation and AI to handle critical support and trust and safety functions that were previously provided by humans - especially since the latest round of mass layoffs earlier this year.

eBay Layoffs Loom Large, Sellers Worry Support May Be Replaced By AI
As eBay undertakes layoffs, users worry about increasing use of AI for critical support, trust & safety functions previously handled by humans.

And last year, Anchor & Enterprise sellers also reported increasing difficulty receiving dedicated customer service, leading to questions about whether they are getting their money's worth for the store subscription fees they pay as criteria to qualify for Concierge level support seemed to have changed without notice or explanation.

Are eBay Anchor & Enterprise Stores Not Getting Support They Pay For?
eBay Anchor & Enterprise sellers question value of subscription as dedicated support increasingly difficult to find.

Have you been having trouble getting through to eBay customer support? Let us konw in the comments below!

eBayCustomer ServiceAI

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!