eBay UK Sellers Consider Saying Au Revoir To France Due To EPR Complexities

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay UK put out an announcement educating sellers about upcoming French Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) requirements, but sellers say they're considering blocking sales to France all together to avoid the headache.

How to comply with French EPR on eBay: a quick guide to uploading Unique Identification Numbers
We are happy to share our new video about the French EPR regulation: This video will help you comply with French EPR on eBay, with a step-by-step guide on how to upload your Unique Identification Numbers (UINs) in your eBay account. When selling products on eBay to French buyers, you will ne…

When selling products on eBay to French buyers, you will need to comply with relevant French Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) requirements.

These requirements, defined by the Law against Waste and for the Circular Economy, make the producers responsible for the entire life cycle of the product, from design to end-of-life.

Complying with French EPR regulations isn’t just a legal requirement, it also encourages sustainability. For each EPR category you list in, you’ll need a Unique Identification Number (UIN).

Importantly, these regulations do not apply to private sellers, a point eBay highlighted in the step by step guide video they produced to try to convince sellers who will be impacted that compliance is easier than they may think.

That message is clearly designed to try to help quell concerns and avoid a knee-jerk reaction of sellers blocking all sales to France in response, but at just over 2 minutes long, it does not really do justice to the much longer and much more complex policies laid out in help pages.

Extended Producer Responsibility selling in France
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a broad collection of international regulations around waste management. When you sell certain products to buyers in France, you must comply with EPR rules around environmental legislation, which may include rules for listing, recycling, and recovery of waste.

But sellers in the eBay UK community were not convinced, saying they already have or will block sales to France in the face of these regulations.

Do we now need to block France, even before GSPR kicks in?
https://community.ebay.co.uk/t5/Announcements/How-to-comply-with-French-EPR-on-eBay-a-quick-guide-to-uploading/ba-p/7686589 This just looks like too much hassle. Unique Identification Numers for my packaging?? Don’t think so. Bye Bye France.

This just looks like too much hassle. Unique Identification Numers for my packaging?? Don't think so.

Bye Bye France.

Just been reading the seller announcment & watched the video to go with it.

Didn't like the look of this:

"If you don’t comply with the UIN regulations, eBay may charge you the corresponding eco-participation fee. This may be more expensive than paying the recycling organization directly."

France now blocked!

Just looking at some of them recycling organisations...Now it looks like you need to learn french to even read the website. Then you need to learn the french legal system...

No thanks.

Many sellers did the same with Germany when similar regulations were introduced there in 2022.

Sellers Block Germany Over Packaging Regulations
German packaging regulations effective July 1st cause some sellers to block shipments to the country.

Are you planning to block France rather than comply with Extended Producer Responsibility requirements? Let us know in the comments below!

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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