eBay UK Glitch Removes Filters From Category Navigation Pages

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


eBay buyers in the UK are perplexed by an apparent glitch that has removed filters when using category and subcategory pages to browse for items on the site.

There would normally be a bar with filter options above the list of items on the category page, like this:

But instead buyers are now seeing modules promoting "Best selling" items at the top and the area which should have the filters is completely blank.

That means potential buyers cannot change the sort option to see newly listed or auctions ending soon, see lowest or highest price first, narrow down results by locations close to them or use any of the other functionality the filters usually offer.

And todays new glitch is…
No filters at the top of any page. I thought it may be my iPad but it’s the same on my computer. So I can’t browse anything new or ending…

No filters at the top of any page. I thought it may be my iPad but it's the same on my computer. So I can't browse anything new or ending...

Yes I'm getting this too. It's just when you browse through categories and subcategories, seems to be ok if you do a keyword search. The filters just aren't there, there's just two horizontal bars where they used to be between. It's impossible to find anything now.

I've just been on live chat with customer service about it and eventually they said it seems to be a 'temporary glitch' and they're forwarding the issue to their development team. On previous experience of technical glitches they can often end up being 'planned changes', really hope this isn't because it's a site breaker.

Customer service must spend a lot of time forwarding issue messages to the developments team.

Really this is a major glitch. I cannot view any new items, my potential customer cannot view my items and no point in listing anything new if none can view.

Not possible to select seller location as a filter?!
Why on earth can one no longer filter a seller by location? It is infuriating to get 99 pages of sellers from China when you want to get something in the mail fast. Because getting anything from China is not Fast! It gets even worse when you have to factor in the time getting anything through the cu…

Why on earth can one no longer filter a seller by location? It is infuriating to get 99 pages of sellers from China when you want to get something in the mail fast. Because getting anything from China is not Fast! It gets even worse when you have to factor in the time getting anything through the custom takes, when you coud get it with out any hassle if you could just find a seller that's not half a world off!


No Filters Today ???
Anybody else getting no Ebay filters today? Cant look for Ending Soon/Completed Items or anything. Useless !!!

Anybody else getting no Ebay filters today?

Cant look for Ending Soon/Completed Items or anything.

Useless !!!

Some users say they are seeing it on some browsers and not others or that there may be a difference depending if you are logged in or not.

Me too, using both Safari and Firefox on Mac. The filters show fine if I'm not logged in, but disappear as soon as I login.

Yes, same for me on Chrome, but they are there if using Edge.

That could suggest it may be an issue with cookies/cache or it may be (hopefully) unintended consequences of A/B testing across various accounts and/or browsers.

The filters do still show when doing an explicit keyword search, this issue only appears to effect category and subcategory pages so for now, if clearing cookies and cache or using a different browser doesn't work, buyers can try keyword searching instead of category browsing until the issues is resolved.

Are you missing filters when navigating through eBay category pages? Let us know in the comments below!

eBayTech Issues

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Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

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