eBay Variation Listing Image Upload Problems 6-19-2024
eBay sellers who use the variations options to sell multiple similar items in one listing are reporting technical issues with image uploads preventing them from creating new listings or adding images to existing ones.
The variation editing section is not loading. I only see a spinning wheel and I cannot update the photos. This started last night and I'm facing with the same issue today. I tried to create a new listing and the same problem occurred. Please help.
When attempting to add photos to new or existing variation listings, the existing photos do not load and there is no prompt to add or edit photos. The only result is a spinning green wheel (see screen shot below).
This is affecting both the default and variation photos. I have tested on two browsers, Edge and Chrome with same result and let one page run for over 30 minutes. Maybe a script is timing out behind the scenes. Please fix asap as this prevents me/us from listing items for sale. This issue with variation listings has occurred frequently over the past few weeks.
Impacted sellers say they have tried on multiple browsers and different devices to no avail - every attempt to create or edit variation listings currently hangs while trying to load the image upload section and displays a spinning green wheel.

While there have been no successful workarounds suggested at this time, I would encourage sellers encountering this issue to report it to eBay using the "send us your comments" link on the page.
That link will open a new draft in your default email program with the subject "Suggestions or feedback for managing variations" to send to DL-ebay-VariationsFeedback@ebay.com along with important information including your user name and browser details and you'll also be able to attach a screenshot showing the problem you are having with the listing form.
I'll update this post as soon as any more information is provided or if eBay officially acknowledges the problem with a sitewide support ticket.