eBay Volume Pricing Not Displaying On Listings
eBay sellers report problems with Volume Pricing discount feature not correctly applying on newly listed items.
What changed with volume pricing? Isn't working correctly anymore. Still shows correct on all my old listings but anytime I relist or create new listing now it doesn't show up correctly.
Its Ebay not you, Im having the same issue it started for me last night but I can imagine the amount of people this will slowly start to affect, Im sure Ebay will send out a hotfix for it soon.
Markdown sales and promotion tools have experienced several similar glitches over the last few months, indicating possible tinkering with the programming as eBay works to roll out the Sale tab for stores announced in the Fall Seller Update and other changes to this feature.
For example, in August there were issues with markdown discounts not applying properly at check out and new items not being able to be added to existing markdown sales.

And markdown sale strikethrough pricing has not consistently been displayed in search results, making it harder for buyers to notice when something is on sale.

Are you experiencing problems with eBay markdown sales and discount promotions? Let us know in the comments below!