Hermes Parcel Delivery Rebrands To Evri

Liz Morton
Liz Morton


Hermes has a new name in what many believe is a bid to rehabilitate a severely damaged brand image due to poor customer service and package mishandling.

Hermes changes its name to Evri after parcel mishandling allegations
The company came last in a delivery firm league table produced by Citizens Advice

The move even came with a slick new PR video on YouTube. Ironically, despite the "we're listening and making changes" messaging, the comments on the video are closed.

It's also interesting to note that while that tweet says Evri has "new social channels", it does not appear that they've set up a new Twitter account to replace the one that is being closed - their new website only shows social links to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Could it be that Evri isn't too keen on the Twitter platform where customer service issues are more visible and it's harder to control the conversation?

If so, that plan doesn't seem to be working - plenty of Twitter users are still talking about Evri, whether they want to be part of the conversation or not.

And in the ultimate example of why it's important to proactively and positively engaged in brand management - always best to snag a good Twitter name before a parody account beats you to it. πŸ˜‰

eBayUK sellers are discussing the change as well in an 80 post long thread with mixed reviews on the new service.

Hermes is changing its name to Evri!
Just a polite warning to everyone, Hermes the courier firm, is changing its name to Evri, in the hope that any previous bad publicity and commentary about Hermes will not taint Evri. Evri is still Hermes! Evri still uses the same crummy staff, the same appalling drivers, the same distribution cen…

Just a polite warning to everyone,

Hermes the courier firm, is changing its name to Evri, in the hope that any previous bad publicity and commentary about Hermes will not taint Evri.

Evri is still Hermes! Evri still uses the same crummy staff, the same appalling drivers, the same distribution centre staff, and has simply rebranded. Your parcels are still NOT safe under Hermes/Evri's care, so for your own sake, and that of your buyers/customers, DO NOT use Hermes/Evri, if you value your sanity.

Don't fall into the trap of the fact that eBay are offering you a discount to use Evri's services, if you choose to offer Evri courier postage to your customers! Evri is Hermes!

If you're a UK based ecommerce seller, let us know what you think of Evri, the "new" Hermes, in the comments below!


Liz Morton Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

Liz Morton is a seasoned ecommerce pro with 17 years of online marketplace sales experience, providing commentary, analysis & news about eBay, Etsy, Amazon, Shopify & more at Value Added Resource!

Recent Comments
Avatar PlaceholderBtrS16 hours ago
Lovely today with that. A certain forum member mentioned moderators actions and had nothing more than their post removed. When I previously did, I was banned again.
Avatar PlaceholdernygrumpYesterday
Is this supposed to be good? Its one small step for the AI to ban what it doesn't approve. This is an unfolding dystopian nightmare.
Avatar PlaceholderBanned in Chat4 days ago
I have items, here in the US, that are not indexing in search 24 hours after I listed them yesterday. Search key terms that are in the title does not show them, similar items that I listed Thursday are showing, but nothing from Friday or Saturday yet.