Fees & Payments

eBay Managed Payments, selling fees, PayPal & more!

eBay Moves All Sellers To First Of Month Billing Cycle Members Public

Sellers on mid-month billing cycle received notice eBay will be moving to first of the month billing effective May 1, 2022.

Fees & Payments

eBay & The New 1099-K Threshold Members Public

It's the beginning of another year and many sellers are concerned about recent changes to IRS 1099-K thresholds that may impact their businesses.


eBay Bucks Can't Be Used For Offers With Immediate Payment Required Members Public

eBay's immediate payment for offers test raises concerns about adding friction to checkout - including not supporting combined shipping & preventing buyers from using eBay Bucks.

Fees & Payments

eBay Managed Payments One Time Payment For Balance Due Members Public

eBay has added additional options for sellers to pay when there is a balance due on your Managed Payments account.

Fees & Payments

eBay Make Offer With Auto-Pay Not Working Members Public

Buyers are reporting eBay's Immediate Payment for Offers function is malfunctioning, preventing them from submitting offers to sellers.

Tech Issues

eBay Tax ID Doesn't Match, Requires Sellers To Submit W9 Members Public

Some sellers received a confusing message from eBay stating their taxpayer ID number does not match and requiring a W9 form to be submitted or else they may withhold funds.

Fees & Payments

eBay Managed Payments Payout On Weekends Members Public

Is eBay giving sellers a much needed holiday cash flow boost? US sellers on daily Managed Payments schedule report weekend payouts for first time.

Fees & Payments

eBay Charges Store Fees A Month & Half Late Members Public

Some sellers have reported eBay is not collecting monthly store subscription fees on time- and more importantly, not clearly communicating once the problem has been discovered and corrected

Fees & Payments

eBay Sales Tax & 1099-K Forms Members Public

Does eBay include sales tax in 1099-K tax forms for sellers in Managed Payments? The short answer is - it depends.


eBay Loosens Holds On Funds For Returns & Claims Members Public

Some sellers report no longer having funds held for returns & claims, but eBay won't say why.

Fees & Payments

Is eBay Running No Fee Promo Or Is It A Billing Glitch? Members Public

Sellers report not being charged Final Value Fees today in an apparent billing snafu. The No Free promo was supposed to apply to personalized items, but was being applied to items without personalization too!

Tech Issues

eBay Testing Immediate Pay On Offers Members Public

eBay is testing out immediate payment required on Best Offers - sellers love the idea, but will buyers get on board?

Fees & Payments

eBay Teases New Payout Timing Options? Members Public

"Improved shipping label experience, new payout timing options, and more" - is eBay rolling out new payout timing options or is it another communication failure?

Fees & Payments

eBay Managed Payments Reporting Problems With Foreign Currency Members Public

As eBay nears completion of the transition to Managed Payments, sellers are concerned about financial reporting for foreign currency transactions on non-US eBay sites.

Fees & Payments

eBayUK Experiences Managed Payments Payout Delays Members Public

eBayUK sellers are reporting delays in Managed Payments payouts from September 28th, 2021.

Fees & Payments

eBay Lowers Fees For Parts & Accessories Over $1,000 Members Public

eBay announced they are lowering a portion of the fees for Parts & Accessories sales over $1,000, effective today.


eBay Managed Payments Payout Delays 9-14-21 Members Public

eBay sellers report Managed Payments payout delays 9-14-21

Fees & Payments

eBay's Growing Chargeback Problem Members Public

Chargebacks have become a hot button topic for sellers as the Managed Payments transition nears completion. What can eBay do to address this growing problem?

Fees & Payments
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