Poshmark marketplaces news and updates

What Does Naver's Poshmark Acquisition Mean For Sellers? Paid Members Public
Now that Naver's acquisition of Poshmark is complete, what can sellers expect to change under the new ownership?

Poshmark Runs $10K Giveaway Listing Event To Kick Off New Year Paid Members Public
Poshmark sweepstakes kicks off new year with $10,000 giveaways each week in January.

Poshmark Calls Special Stockholder Meeting 12-27-22 Paid Members Public
Poshmark to hold virtual stockholder meeting December 27, 8 AM Pacific to vote on merger with Naver.

Poshmark Introduces Faster Payouts Paid Members Public
Poshmark is rolling out faster payout options using Hyperwallet.

Poshmark Names November 27 Secondhand Sunday Paid Members Public
Poshmark is encouraging secondhand holiday gifting, proclaiming the Sunday after Thanksgiving to be Secondhand Sunday.

Korean Internet Company Naver to Acquire Poshmark for $1.6B Paid Members Public
Poshmark announces they have been acquired by Naver in a $1.6B deal expected to close Q1 2023.

Poshmark Rolls Back Search Changes, Updates From PoshFest Paid Members Public
Poshmark CEO Manish Chandra announces controversial changes to search algorithm are being rolled back plus more updates from PoshFest!

Poshmark Posh Shows Live Shopping Beta Test Paid Members Public
Poshmark is the latest to jump into live shopping trend with Posh Shows launching September 22nd.

Will Poshmark Introduce Ads To Increase Take Rate? Paid Members Public
Do Poshmark CFO's comments at Goldman Sachs hint at seller paid advertising coming to the platform soon?

Poshmark To Host PoshFest September 29-30 Paid Members Public
Poshmark PoshFest - a 2 day in person fashion & entrepreneurship conference in Houston, TX September 29-30.

Poshmark Will Not Raise PoshPost Rates For Holidays Paid Members Public
Poshmark will not raise PoshPost rates for holidays, despite USPS rate increases.

Poshmark Latest Features App Update August 2022 Paid Members Public
Poshmark app update - closet QR codes, match buyer's last offer, select all & rotating images on your phone.

Poshmark Sellers Plan Boycott For May 11th Paid Members Public
Some Poshmark sellers plan to boycott the site due to changes in search algorithm & recent "fireside chat" event.

Poshmark Updates Search - Again Paid Members Public
Poshmark continues testing new optimizations & default sort options for search.
This, on top of Buyer protection Fee, has made it impossible to sell competitively on eBay. My buyers don't need protection from me!! I have 100% feedback rating over 20 years - this is just another money-making scam from eBay. The price with the protection fee is not competitive for anything and i am not even getting views let alone watchers!! Identical listings where items sold for £10 plus £3.75 postage and packing 6 weeks ago, have necessitated me reducing to £2.75, few people, if any looking, and now a silly offer of 75p!!!!! - Then i lose out on the postage as eBay pocket the difference between what Royal Mail Charge and their estimate of Evri! Evri - which used to be Hermes and smashed an antique set of China worth over £100 a few years ago by leaving the box out in the rain until it was so sodden that it collapsed!! Well done eBay - no regard for your customers!
I've been on eBay for 20 years, through the early bad times and the good, but if Simple Delivery becomes mandatory, I'm off.