Ecommerce sales tax, 1099-Ks, income tax & more
eBay Overcharging Sales Tax On Batteries - Again Paid Members Public
eBay is once again overcharging buyers sales tax for batteries sold on the platform, resulting in overcharging sellers final value fees as well.
eBay Sent 1099-Ks For 2020 & 2021 To Missouri Sellers Paid Members Public
Missouri eBay sellers report receiving 1099-K for tax year 2021 & for tax year 2020 on January 31, 2022 - even if they had not previously received on for 2020.
eBay Issues 1099-K To California Sellers In Error Paid Members Public
California sellers issued 1099-K forms at the $600 threshold in what appears to be an embarrassing error on eBay's part.
eBay 1099-K Not Matching - Settled Date vs Order Date Paid Members Public
eBay sellers are confused about 1099-K figures due to difference in order date vs payment settlement date.
eBay 1099-K Form Amounts Doubled, Sales Overstated Paid Members Public
eBay sellers received 1099-K forms yesterday & some are reporting problems with the dollar amounts being doubled.
When Will eBay Issue 1099-K Forms For 2021? Paid Members Public
Sellers who were hoping to get a jump in filling their tax returns are wondering where their 1099-K forms are for 2021.
eBay & The New 1099-K Threshold Paid Members Public
It's the beginning of another year and many sellers are concerned about recent changes to IRS 1099-K thresholds that may impact their businesses.
eBay Tax ID Doesn't Match, Requires Sellers To Submit W9 Paid Members Public
Some sellers received a confusing message from eBay stating their taxpayer ID number does not match and requiring a W9 form to be submitted or else they may withhold funds.
eBay Sales Tax & 1099-K Forms Paid Members Public
Does eBay include sales tax in 1099-K tax forms for sellers in Managed Payments? The short answer is - it depends.
California Cities Concerned About Tax Revenue Inequity Paid Members Public
League of California Cities focuses on Amazon tax revenue sharing, but could there be implications for eBay too?
Do eBay Fees Include Tax? Paid Members Public
eBay Managed Payments fees include sales tax, causing controversy and confusion among sellers.
eBay Sellers Confused By Tax Invoice Paid Members Public
eBay sellers in some countries may already have VAT and GST on fees, but many US sellers will be surprised - especially smaller, consumer sellers.